The fragmented world

a state of being fragmented

The series ‘The Fragmented World’ represents the artist’s own perseverance to simplify his life. He observed life’s requests that determine our actions and became aware of the degree to which his own life was regulated by the often conflicting demands of his environment. Thus, he concluded that there was not much room left to pursue his inspiration and to materialize his own choices. Taking a closer look at the life he was leading, he recognized himself in a perpetual sequence of reacting to overt and clandestine requests, which results in a state of being fragmented.

Shredded by fragments, 2019

In the work above entitled โ€˜Shredded by Fragmentsโ€™, the artist interprets his own perception of living inside the boundaries of the fragmented world. The fragments are metaphors for the numerous and often incompatible demands of people and circumstances that demand our response.


Abstract legs, 2018

The work โ€˜Abstract legsโ€™ is a symbol of the repetitive and uniform patterns of movements as perceived by the artist or, in other words, what is happening in our lives and consequently in the world as the powers that perpetuate what is going to be happening always remain unchanged.

Gatekeeper, 2018
Me or it, 2017
Most recent stage no 1, 2022
Most recent stage no 2, 2022
Most recent stage no 3, 2022
Most recent stage no 4, 2022

The series ‘The fragmented world’ consists of 14 selected works.  All of them are certified with a certificate by Verisart.

Vulnerable phase no 3, 2023
Vulnerable phase no 2, 2023
Vulnerable phase no 1, 2023
An abstract man no 2, 2023
On the front: Abstract Legs 2023


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